Terms of reference

Name of group:
Title: Terms of reference (followed by date terms of reference written / revised)
Purpose / role of the group: for example
  • what is the broad purpose / role of the group?
  • when was the group established and by whom?
  • what are the aims / responsibilities of the group?
Membership: for example
  • who is membership of the group open to?
  • are there any restrictions on numbers?
  • are patient / public members involved?
  • are any representatives from other organisations included?
  • how long is the period of membership and can it be extended?
Accountability: for example
  • are individual group members responsible for reporting back on activities of the group and if so to whom?
Review: for example
  • how often will the group review the relevance and value of its work and the terms of reference?
Working methods / ways of working: for example
  • what method / approach to working will you adopt (for example a shared learning approach)?
  • will any sub groups be convened?
  • what will your chosen working method involve in practical terms, for example with reference to:
meetings for example
  • how many meetings will be held each year and where will they be held?
  • who will organise and chair the meetings?
  • how will topics for the agenda be generated?
  • how and when will meeting papers be circulated?
  • what will the format of meetings be, for example will they include small group discussions?
  • will non-members be invited to group meetings and if so, under what circumstances?
  • who will provide secretariat for the group?
sharing of information and resources (including confidential materials) for example
  • how will group members share information and resources?
  • how will confidential materials and copyright issues be identified and dealt with?
  • will there be a web space for the group and if so, will it be password protected and who will be responsible for facilitating it?
Definition of terms
  • provide definitions of any key terms.


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